

7. Promote your team to TeamGenik users

All features described on this page are incomplete. June 2024 to fall, these features will be released sequentially.

TeamGenik is a free service based on advertising models.

TeamGenik has a space for advertising. Part of this advertising space is reserved for the TeamGenik team.

Each team can advertise the team itself and the events hosted and sponsored by the team for free (using coin, a pseudo-currency that can only be used within TeamGenik).

This means of advertising is called a Flyer to distinguish it from regular advertising.

The team mentioned here includes all organizations, organizations and communities.

For example, suppose you are a beauty salon owner.

You created a team with TeamGenik, and run a small SNS there, and your customers and fans became members of the SNS. I would like to increase the number of fans.

Then, do your best to collect coins and promote your team (ie your shop) within TeamGenik.